Agility Blue Update
What’s New?
We've made some updates to Agility Blue this month! This particular release focuses primarily on back-end server and API work in order to prepare for some exciting automation and batch processing features we'll be announcing and releasing soon, but we've also added a few user experience enhancements to the front end!
Welcome Emails
Admins no longer need to provide a password while creating new users. An option has been added to send the user a welcome email that provides them with a special activation link that they can click on to bring them to Agility Blue and input a password.
User account pages also have a "Send Activation Email" link that admins can use to send the email whenever they like. This can be used to send the email at a later time (instead of while creating the user), or to simply help the user reset their password for them.
Workspaces now feature a History grid view under the hamburger menu that displays a searchable, but lightweight view on what's being created, updated, or deleted within the workspace. We're working on adding detailed historical information and views for this grid, so stay tuned for more auditing and insight into your workspaces!
The "Notes" field has been added to the Media Entry Logs tab within tasks.
The default value for the "Copy Requester" field while sharing tasks has been changed from ON to OFF.
If an email template is used while sharing a task that references a field that does not exist on the task, the resulting values for those fields will now display "No Value" in the email instead of the @{CF_} token.
LogRequestHandler error messages have been updated to display a more detailed message instead of a generic "it doesn't work" text.