Agility Blue Update (August 2022)
What's New?
The August 2022 update is packed with new enhancements and features. Stay tuned for more details about how to get the most out of the latest update.
Improved User Management for Admins
Workspace Management
Organization admins can now enable/disable workspaces, and edit workspace names and descriptions.
Added a new workspace access tab page and grid to the user account details page.
API Management
Added a "Total API Keys" column to the user accounts grid details page.
The user account developer page now masks API keys by default. Click the mask link to reveal the API key.
Object Management
Object IDs have been moved into the breadcrumb navigation component, and a button to copy the object id is now available next to the "Copy the url link to this page" button. Object IDs in the breadcrumb are hidden by default, and the hash icon ("#") can be clicked on to reveal the ID. Object IDs can be shown at all times by switching the "Always Display Object IDs" setting on under workspace settings.
Enhanced Experience for Power Users
Project Details
The project details action panel has a new "Action Links" tile at the bottom that allows project-specific reports to be linked directly from the project.
A new report was added titled "Project Details" that generates a project and task details report for a single project in a print-friendly format. Useful for situations where project information may need to be saved offline in a file repository or document management system. The report includes the project details, tasks, and each task's comments. Task comments can be toggled on or off in the report. This report is also linked to the project object and showcases the ability to initiate it directly from the new action links tile at the bottom of the project details panel.
Workspace Permissions
Added a permissions setting for allowing users to view action links under the Misc category. The workspace administrators permissions group has view permissions by default, but other permissions groups need to be set for their users to see the links if desired.
The following settings were added under the "Projects" permissions tab:
Hide Invoiced Field: Hides the invoiced field on the project details action panel.
Hide Pricing Field: Hides the pricing field on the project details action panel.
Hide Approved Field: Hides the approved field on the project details action panel.
Forms Editor
Form Preview: Forms can now be previewed for design and functionality while editing a form or directly from the forms grid. This speeds up the development of forms and helps to eliminate the need to go through the process of creating a task just to test forms.
Faster Task Management for All Users
Task toolbar updates:
Removed the restriction where a task comment could not be replied to, edited, or deleted if the task was closed.
Added a button that allows a user to assign the task to themself and mark it complete in one click.
Added an "Assign this task to me" button that was previously only available via the task context menu.
Buttons that allow adding logs or object associations that became hidden when a task was completed are no longer hidden, keeping consistent with the fact that these items could still be added through their respective task tabs regardless of task status.
A "Save & Complete Task" button has been added to the task comment modal window that allows saving a task comment and marking the task done at the same time. Depending on the state of the task, the following happens:
If the task is unassigned, the task will become assigned to the user creating the comment prior to marking the task as completed.
If the task is in quality control, the quality control decision will become "Passed" prior to marking the task as completed.
The "Save & Complete Task" button will not be available if the task is in the process of being placed on hold, in a canceled state, or is already completed.
Task form fields will now display a scroll bar if the contents of a single line are too long to fit within the bounds of the task.
An "Unassign" button has been added to the assign task user modal window next to the "Assign to me" button.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where notes for an attachment would not display in object detail page grids.
Fixed a rendering issue with the select priority and select email message status pickers when initiated from the notification rule conditions editor.