Agility Blue Update (November 2022)

What's New?

The November 2022 update is packed with exciting new features. Stay tuned for more details about how to get the most out of the latest update.

Object Reference Fields

A new "Reference" field type has been added to the Objects Form Editor that gives users the ability to reference other objects. The following objects are available for reference:

  • Clients

  • Matters

  • Projects

  • Tasks

  • Media Log Entries

  • Volumes

  • Contacts

  • Users

  • Billing Entries

  • Custom Objects

Enhanced Viewing and Organization Options

  • The order of custom object lists can now be defined using a sort order value while editing custom objects. Additionally, custom objects can now be delisted from the menu, if desired. If an object is delisted from the dropdown menu, the object's records can still be viewed by selecting the "View Records" grid row context menu item on the objects page.

  • Added a text filter to the form builder modal window to help locate fields of interest quickly.

  • Added a button to remove all fields at once from the form builder.

  • A view mode has been introduced to objects that allows viewing an object's fields in a form-style layout in a modal window as read-only. Supported reference objects will now open the view window where there was no link before, or instead of navigating away from the page where there was a link. View modes can also be found within the various grid context menus as the first listed option.

  • A view button (eye icon) has been added to the client and matter breadcrumb links to allow viewing client or matter fields without having to navigate away from the current page.

Extended Search and Filtering Capabilities

  • Comments for clients, matters, and tasks can now be searched for on the search page.

  • Task email messages can now be searched for on the search page.

  • Search results are no longer cleared when navigating away from the search page. This allows users to use the back browser button after clicking on a search result to return to the existing search results without having to perform the same search again.

  • The search page now also remembers the last tab used within the user's current session. Previous behavior was that searches always defaulted to the "Projects" search tab after a user navigated away from the search page.

  • The task search results pages now render project tags and custom object references.

  • The Narrative and Notes fields are now filterable on all billing entry grids.

Additional Updates

  • The Billing Code field was added to the billing entry modal window. This information is pulled from the selected billing type, and is read-only.

  • Grid export filenames now reflect the grid name and date/time of export. Additionally, the Excel workbooks now enable filters by default and adopt the Agility Blue color schemes.

  • The maximum file name size of an attachment has been increased from 128 to 255 characters.

  • It is now possible to make the "From" and "To" fields on the media log entry form no longer required and hidden. This can be controlled on the media logs tab on the general workspace settings page.

  • Email replies to the "New Task Email Message" and "Update Task Email Message" notification types are now created as comments within the task.

  • The "General instructions" form will no longer be required or used for creating inbound emails. When an email comes in, the notification service will first look for a form called "Inbound Email". If the form doesn't exist, it will be automatically created. This enables users to freely delete or modify their general instructions form now without having to worry about emails not showing up.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where certain special characters would throw an api error when using the global search function.

  • Fixed an issue where the contacts grid treated all system fields as text values when filtering.

  • Fixed an issue where moving a task would not update associated billing entries and volumes with the new project id.


Referencing Custom Objects


Agility Blue Update (August 2022)