Agility Blue Update (August 2022)
What's New?
The August 2022 update is packed with new enhancements and features. Stay tuned for more details about how to get the most out of the latest update.
Improved User Management for Admins
Workspace Management
Organization admins can now enable/disable workspaces, and edit workspace names and descriptions.
Added a new workspace access tab page and grid to the user account details page.
API Management
Added a "Total API Keys" column to the user accounts grid details page.
The user account developer page now masks API keys by default. Click the mask link to reveal the API key.
Object Management
Object IDs have been moved into the breadcrumb navigation component, and a button to copy the object id is now available next to the "Copy the url link to this page" button. Object IDs in the breadcrumb are hidden by default, and the hash icon ("#") can be clicked on to reveal the ID. Object IDs can be shown at all times by switching the "Always Display Object IDs" setting on under workspace settings.
Enhanced Experience for Power Users
Project Details
The project details action panel has a new "Action Links" tile at the bottom that allows project-specific reports to be linked directly from the project.
A new report was added titled "Project Details" that generates a project and task details report for a single project in a print-friendly format. Useful for situations where project information may need to be saved offline in a file repository or document management system. The report includes the project details, tasks, and each task's comments. Task comments can be toggled on or off in the report. This report is also linked to the project object and showcases the ability to initiate it directly from the new action links tile at the bottom of the project details panel.
Workspace Permissions
Added a permissions setting for allowing users to view action links under the Misc category. The workspace administrators permissions group has view permissions by default, but other permissions groups need to be set for their users to see the links if desired.
The following settings were added under the "Projects" permissions tab:
Hide Invoiced Field: Hides the invoiced field on the project details action panel.
Hide Pricing Field: Hides the pricing field on the project details action panel.
Hide Approved Field: Hides the approved field on the project details action panel.
Forms Editor
Form Preview: Forms can now be previewed for design and functionality while editing a form or directly from the forms grid. This speeds up the development of forms and helps to eliminate the need to go through the process of creating a task just to test forms.
Faster Task Management for All Users
Task toolbar updates:
Removed the restriction where a task comment could not be replied to, edited, or deleted if the task was closed.
Added a button that allows a user to assign the task to themself and mark it complete in one click.
Added an "Assign this task to me" button that was previously only available via the task context menu.
Buttons that allow adding logs or object associations that became hidden when a task was completed are no longer hidden, keeping consistent with the fact that these items could still be added through their respective task tabs regardless of task status.
A "Save & Complete Task" button has been added to the task comment modal window that allows saving a task comment and marking the task done at the same time. Depending on the state of the task, the following happens:
If the task is unassigned, the task will become assigned to the user creating the comment prior to marking the task as completed.
If the task is in quality control, the quality control decision will become "Passed" prior to marking the task as completed.
The "Save & Complete Task" button will not be available if the task is in the process of being placed on hold, in a canceled state, or is already completed.
Task form fields will now display a scroll bar if the contents of a single line are too long to fit within the bounds of the task.
An "Unassign" button has been added to the assign task user modal window next to the "Assign to me" button.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where notes for an attachment would not display in object detail page grids.
Fixed a rendering issue with the select priority and select email message status pickers when initiated from the notification rule conditions editor.
Agility Blue Update (June 2022)
Communications Suite Updates
Added the ability to download inbound email messages as .EML files.
The context menu item "Reply All" text was changed to "New Email with Contacts" for all emails before the last email message to make it clearer what the functionality is intended to do.
The inbound notification service was updated to convert html-only emails to plain text that do not arrive with a plain text counterpart. Previously, the service would render the html-encoded version of these emails as plain text that displayed html tags making the content difficult to read.
Grid Page Updates
Added a new grid page titled "Task Form Fields" to the additional items (hamburger) menu. The grid on this page represents every field within each task as individual records. This provides the ability to filter and sort through task forms, section headings, fields, field values, and more. Most of the fields found on the tasks grid are available in the task form fields grid to help provide context, navigation, and additional sorting/filtering capabilities for each field. Please note that reference field values are not supported within this grid at this time.
Added a "Clear Sorting" button to all grids directly to the left of the "Clear Filters" button.
Rich text rendered grid items now cap their row heights to 200px and automatically add scroll bars within the cell as needed.
Added a permissions setting for allowing users to view the task form fields list page. The workspace administrators permissions group has view permissions by default, but other permissions groups need to be set for their users to view task form fields.
Enterprise Updates
The SFTP import service was updated with the ability to import media log entries.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where creating new forms that were copied from existing forms would also copy the section id of the existing form instead of generating a new one. This prevented conditions on the new form fields from working as intended when editing a task.
Fixed the following grid value rendering issues:
Project tags and form name fields on the projects and tasks grids that contain the following symbols now display correctly: &, <, >, ', and ".
Multiple choice values now properly display semicolons after the second choice.
Agility Blue Update (April 2022)
What's New?
Media Log Entry Association
Media log entries no longer require a project or task just to be associated with a client or matter.
The project and task selection controls on the media log entry form have been replaced with an association dropdown list that allows users to select which level of the hierarchy the media log entry should belong to.
Additionally, controls have been added to allow media log entries to be created directly at the client and matter levels.
Ignored Files Registry
An option to add files to an ignored files registry is now available for attachments. Doing so will direct the inbound email service to ignore attached files and inline images that match the registered SHA256 hash values for emails sent into Agility Blue. This is particularly useful for instructing the inbound email service to not create and upload attachments from images that are part of signature lines.
Entries may be added directly from an attachment and the registry can be managed from a new tab on the workspace settings page. Notes may also be added to each entry so a reason for ignoring the file can be captured.
Permissions Additions
13 new permissions have been added. The workspace administrators permissions group will already have full rights for the following permissions, but other permissions groups may need to be set by a workspace administrator for their users to have visibility as desired:
Allowing users to view the projects tab on the client details page.
Allowing users to view the tasks tab on the client details page.
Allowing users to view the media log entries tab on the client details page.
Allowing users to view the volumes tab on the client details page.
Allowing users to view the billing entries tab on the client details page.
Allowing users to view the tasks tab on the matter details page.
Allowing users to view the billing entries tab on the matter details page.
Allowing users to view the Relativity tab on the matter details page.
Managing the permissions for the ignored files registry settings page.
Managing the permissions for the integrations settings page.
Viewing the history and notification logs pages.
New permissions setting for task subscribers.
New permissions setting for email templates.
Other Enhancements
Tasks can now be assigned while creating a project from a copied project or a project template.
The list of subscribers can now be added/removed from tasks while creating a project from a copied project or a project template.
Billing type properties can now be saved with the same price as the inherited price so the price can be "locked in" and avoid being changed when parent pricing information changes.
Total Client Comments field added to the clients grid.
Total Matter Comments field added to the matters grid.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the "Require Project Due Date" setting was being ignored when converting from a draft project to a normal project.
Fixed a permissions issue where creators of some objects could not delete those objects after their delete permissions were subsequently revoked.
Fixed an issue where project templates could not be saved when the "Require Requester" project setting was turned on and the "Auto-Populate Requester" project setting was turned off.
Agility Blue Update
What's New?
Effective August 31, 2021, Agility Blue will no longer support Internet Explorer. We recommend the use of evergreen browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Brave.
Improved User Management for Admins
Admin users may now delete user accounts rather than simply disabling. Inactive users will no longer be displayed in the workspace grid. Several additional fields are now available to allow for better fine-tuning when filtering user types.
Enhanced Project Indicators
The colored circle indicators for Projects have been replaced with icons to provide more descriptive feedback.
A green check mark indicates that the project is closed.
A checkered flag indicates that a profect is new and that no tasks have been added to the project.
An orange flag indicates that the project has tasks that are not yet assigned.
A gray X indicates that the project was cancelled.
Other Enhancements
A "Due Today" badge now appears on tasks that are due today.
The Task Email menu now has a "Reply All" option. Selecting this option will start a new email that uses the same name as the chosen email's subject and will populate all of the contacts from the chosen email.
The "404 Resource Not Found" page has an updated look and a more descriptive message.
Agility Blue Update
What's New?
Custom Objects
Create your own custom objects. Custom objects can be defined on the "Objects" page in the settings drop down menu. When a custom object is created, a new icon will appear after the "Tasks" tab on the top that allows users to view the lists of custom objects. Custom objects can be referenced in tasks by using the reference object field type on forms.
Enhanced Email Features
The new task email features are now live! Intended for communication with contacts external to Agility Blue, compose, edit, add attachments, and track emails directly within a task. Replies to these emails will automatically be placed directly within the task (similar to comments for users). Create and apply templates to task emails and set up custom notifications.
Forms Enhancements
Field properties can now be defined while creating or editing forms. Properties include:
Read-Only: Makes a field read only so that edits cannot be made to it. Useful for conveying information through defaults or calculated fields.
Tooltip: Adds an icon next to the field label that provides additional context when the user hovers their mouse over it.
Information Block: Adds an information-formatted block of text under the value input. Useful for providing information related to the field that is always visible.
Warning Block: Adds a warning-formatted block of text under the value input. Useful for providing a warning related to the field that is always visible.
Other Enhancements
Field requirement indicators have been added to help identify required fields easier.
Tags can now be created while editing tags for existing projects.
A toggle button has been added to the rich text editor that allows the editor to expand the full width and height of the browser to allow editing larger content easier.
Pop-up windows can now be moved vertically to reveal the information on the screen behind them.
Increased the maximum size of task names from 128 characters to 255 characters.
The tasks within project templates can now be added to existing projects using the "Add Template Tasks" link on the project page underneath the "Convert to Draft" link.
For enterprise customers, local or single sign-on options on the login screen can be disabled.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where saving new conditional properties to a form resulted in a database error.
Fixed an issue where conditions defined to update other fields with no value were ignored.
Fixed an issue where activation email links resulted in a sub claim warning.
Fixed an issue where idp-initiated Saml2 providers would send users to the login page instead of the workspaces list.
Fixed a rendering issue where Firefox browsers would display the Task ID and Date Due information underneath the task card on the Open Tasks page.
Agility Blue Update
What's New?
Billing Entry Object Updates
You can now define custom fields for the billing entry object.
Billing entry objects can now be used as references in task forms.
Dropdown List Virtual Scrolling
The user and contact dropdown list pickers have been updated to accommodate workspaces with over 1,000 users or contacts. The dropowns now display and ifinite number of users or contacts.
General Enhancements
Adding user access to a workspace now automatically creates a contact entry for that user.
All tags can now be removed from a project.
The option for "Assign to Me" when assigning a task no longer appears when a task is already assigned to the current user.
Direct grid actions such as edit and delete have been consolidated into a single action menu that uses the "hamburger button" convention (an icon with 3 vertical lines).
Bug Fixes
Fixed a permissions issue with generating client links on the media log entries grid.
Fixed an issue with creating new users via Microsoft SSO automatic user provisioning that generated random numbers for the first and last names where Microsoft does not provide individual first and last name claims.
Fixed an issue where using the media log entry grid picker would not display custom field columns.
Feature Preview - Task Email Messages (Final Phase)
Task email messaging has entered the third and final phase within the feature preview mode. Intended for communication with contacts external to Agility Blue, this feature allows emails to be composed and tracked directly within a task. Replies to these emails support threading and are placed within the same task (similar to comments for users).
Updates for phase 3 include:
Email templates can now be applied to task emails messages.
Attachments can now be added while composing new task email messages.
Creating and updating task email messages have been added as notification events that users can apply notification rules to. Several task email message fields can have regular expressions applied as a condition such as the subject line, to, from, cc, and bcc using a "matches" or "does not match" clause. This can be useful in situations where you may want to receive a notification when the subject line matches a specific word/pattern or the from field contains a specific domain.
Agility Blue Update
What’s New?
UI Enhancements
A copyable link has been added to share or bookmark a report.
Most items now display “last updated by” and “last updated on” information.
Link back to the associated contact, client, matter, project, or task when viewing history.
Navigate back from detail info using the new "Bread-crumbs" navigation button.
System quick links (the icons that were shown at the top right of the app) are now hidden by default. They can be re-enabled within the workspace settings page, if desired.
Rich Text Editor Enhancements
The rich text editor received 4 new styles that can be used to format text located under the "Format" dropdown list. These styles can help add emphasis within instructions, notes, or comments. The new formats are:
Highlighted Text
Success Highlight
Error Highlight
Inline Monospaced
Resizing the rich text editor within a pop-up window will automatically re-size the pop-up window.
Horizontal rule lines can now be inserted into the rich text editor by using the new "Insert" dropdown list.
Pre-formatted blocks of text can now be inserted into the rich text editor by using the new "Insert" dropdown list.
Using the tab key (or the tab + shift keys) within the rich text editor will now indent text, increase the current bullet or numbered list level, and navigate between table cells within a table.
Dependency Changes
The first name and last name fields are no longer required to create or update a contact.
Volumes no longer require a project dependency to be created and can now be created on the workspace-level volumes grid page.
Our API documentation has moved to (the old location will still work).
Feature Preview - Email Enhancements
Task email messaging has entered the second phase of updates within feature preview. Intended for communication with contacts external to Agility Blue, this feature allows emails to be composed and tracked directly within a task. Replies to these emails are also placed directly within the task (similar to comments for users).
Updates for phase 2 include:
Reply cleanup routines for incoming Outlook and Gmail messages have been tightened.
Task email messages can now be deleted from within the task.
Task email messages can now be unlinked within the task. Unlinking email messages places the email message at the workspace level (no task ownership).
Task email messages can now be edited. This is often desired to help clean-up messages where artifacts of the reply slipped through the response process and helps keep the thread tidy.
Phase 3 (Coming soon™) addresses the ability to apply email templates and add attachments while composing task email messages.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue on the workspace user details page where the notification rules tab was not being displayed for users with permissions to edit their own notification rules.
Fixed an issue where deleting a task would display a constraint error if the task had only volume entries linked to it.
Agility Blue Update
What’s New?
Quality Control Function for Tasks
Tasks can now be placed into quality control mode by using the QC button on the task toolbar. When tasks are put into quality control mode, a new toolbar appears in the task that allows a user performing QC to reject, pass, or pass & complete a task. Users that perform quality control procedures, such as adding special QC forms to existing tasks, are identified separately from an assignee.
Users also have the ability to monitor the full history of all QC decisions on each task. Tasks can be quickly located by filtering on quality control status, decision, or the user performing quality control.
Improved Performance and Responsiveness
Data associated with tasks, such as comments, media log entries, volumes, billing entries, attachments, and subscriber, on the project details page are now retrieved on-demand to increase performance and responsiveness.
Automatic Formatting for Rich Test Editor
Microsoft Word style tags are now stripped away automatically while pasting into Agility Blue’s rich text editor, improving the appearance of the pasted content.
A new setting has been added that controls the pasting behavior for the rich text editor. Enabled by default, we recommend leaving this setting enabled for the best experience. The rich text HTML content can still be edited directly for finer tuning using the HTML source button, if desired.
UI Enhancements
We've added the ability to collapse the project details header into a single row for a more focused work environment.
UI updates to the task tab components such as including the ability to collapse each component and automated scrolling.
A hyperlink to the appropriate task is automatically generated when the task is referenced in a custom form.
Agility Blue Update
What's New?
Email Notification Logs
Verify the status of email notifications that have been sent or received by Agility Blue by accessing the new Notifications tab within the additional tabs menu. All emails are labeled with one of the following statuses:
Created: The message has been created by the notification system. The email may not have been processed yet and is still queued or it may not have received a confirmation of status from the recipient's email system.
Processed: The message is currently being processed and is awaiting delivery status.
Delivered: The message has been accepted by the recipient's email system.
Bounce: A message will indicate a bounce status if the recipient's email system cannot or will not deliver a message. Bounces are often caused by outdated or incorrectly entered email addresses.
Dropped: The message was not sent to the recipient's email system. These are often caused by, but not limited to, spam filters.
The notification log also provides a field that allows users to filter and navigate directly to the task or project that generated the notification. These fields are available for messages newly created after this update.
FOR DEVELOPERS: Notification log data is also available through the API. More information can be found on the API documentation site located here (opens a new window).
Additional Task Filters
Two new options have been added to the list of available filters on the task dashboard for projects:
Project Owner
Project Requester
Task Name Helper
Apply the project description to a new task name using the new button next to the task name label. This is particularly convenient when you would like to use the same name for the task and the project without having to re-type or copy/paste the project description into the task name.
Automatic Default Notification Rules for New Users
FOR ADMINS: Apply the default notification rules to a new user automatically, using the newly added toggle switch in the new user dialog window.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the task link on the global attachments list wouldn't allow users to navigate to the task associated with the attachment.
Agility Blue Update
What's New?
Task Grouping
Tasks can now be grouped within projects by the following system fields:
Assigned By
Assigned To
Assigned On
Created By
Created On
Completed By
Completed On
Due On
Fields representing dates are grouped by day.
You can find the options for grouping next to the "New Task" button on any project details tasks page. Similar to task sorting and filtering, the grouping options are specific to each user and persist across all projects until changed.
Tasks Navigation
The UI will now scroll to the active task when opened.
Additionally, the total number of tasks is now shown on the project details tasks page in the tasks header. If grouping is enabled, the number of tasks in each group is shown in each group heading.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the select volumes grid was not rendering while initiating a reference selection
Fixed an issue where custom fields for objects were not respecting updated position changes
Fixed an issue where data types for custom fields for objects could be changed while updating field properties
Fixed an issue where reference type information would remain on a field if the reference data type was initially selected while creating a new field and then switched to another data type prior to saving the form